Mission and Vision


Tesfa Berhan aspires to see children in Ethiopia thrived.


To improve the well-being of disadvantaged children, youth and the community by rendering health, education, livelihood, child protection, good governance and disaster risk management programs which are of high quality, child focused and family centred in partnership with development actors.

Core Values

  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Lifelong learning
  • Equality and equity
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Quality program delivery
  • Dedicated for active participation, partnership and networking


As major goals, Tesfa Berhan will contribute to:-
  • 1. Children’s and youth’s ability to develop to their full potential, enjoy good physical, mental health and live in stable families that interact in non-violent ways and in supportive environment
  • 2. Safe, protective and supportive learning and working environment to children, youth and their families
  • 3. Responsive and resilient community against any kinds of hazards/disasters


  • Child focused and family centred
  • The child’s safety is paramount
  • Accountability and transparency
  • Demonstrate Fairness

Leadership and Governance

The general assembly was the supreme decision making organ of Tesfa Berhan CFDO until September 10/2019. After the new CSO proclamation number 1113/2019, it was re-structured as a board led organization. The board consists of 11/5 female/ members who came from different wakes of life and disciplines. The service year of chairperson, v/chairperson and secretary is for three years, and the other members is for four years to ensure smooth transition. The board members can serve for two consecutive terms.

Major responsibilities of Board members includes but not limited to review and approve strategic plans, annual plans/reports, appoint auditors & approve audit reports, assign executive director, approve bank account opening and signatories, technically support resource mobilization.

The management body of the organization composed of the Executive Director, program Director, Finance and Administration Director, Resource mobilization & partnership Director. It also alternatively includes program heads and project coordinators. The management team overlooks the overall program management and administrative issues of the organization.

Strategic Directions

Tesfa Berhan CFDO is in the fourth era of it strategic plan. The current strategic period covers the years from 2022 to 2027. The strategic priorities are quality programming, child safeguarding & advocacy, digital transformation, widening the reach, vibrant governance and management. It has planned to reach more than 429462 participants, of which 202957 children, 14117 youth, 78504 adults and 133884 community members. Out of the direct project beneficiaries 6112 (10%) will be persons with disabilities. The resource requirement of the plan is 527, 048,777.00 ETB.