What We Do

Program Initiatives

  • Health

    Tesfa Berhan CFDO aimed to ensure that children, youths, and women of reproductive age have access to high-quality health care in health institutions and households. Primary health care, nutrition, WASH, SRH, and improving the capacity of health facilities are among the major areas promoted by this sector. Expectant mothers receive health education about the importance of immunization, nutrition, breast feeding, and general antenatal care as part of basic health care. Children from birth to five years of age are later assisted for immunisation, breast feeding, growth monitoring, health screening, supplemental dietary support and referral linkage if they are moderately/severely malnourished.

    Tesfa Berhan CFDO also provides reproductive health education and services, as well as life skills to youth and women, allowing them to make informed decisions. Water sanitation and environmental hygiene/WASH/ are the important issues for which community awareness is developed, WASH facilities are fulfilled, and facility management committees and local structures are strengthened. Health professionals and health facilities are also supported by Tesfa Berhan CFDO so that they can provide high-quality services to their clients.

  • Education

    Tesfa Berhan CFDO wishes to raise children's and parents' participation in school matters, promote enrolment, attendance, and academic achievement of kids in the target schools, and finally share the progress in educational quality. Early childhood development (ECD), basic education, and school capacity development get better as a result. Pre-primary education helps children develop their cognitive, motor, and language skills. Parenting skill development is one method to assist children's positive development. Later, at the preschool age, schools are supported and provided with learning materials, and teachers and carers are taught to facilitate children's smooth transition to primary schools. Children are supported with scholastic materials under Basic Education, and schools are also equipped with facilities (class rooms, libraries, laboratory equipment, etcs) to increase the learning outcomes.

  • Livelihood

    We want to see young people, women, and carers working at a living wage in non-exploitative jobs. To that purpose, they get vocational, entrepreneurial, BDS, life skill, and peer education, as well as financial start-up assistance. Another strategy used to socially and economically empower women and carers is the Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA), which allows them to participate in their own development. The technique is often utilised as an entry point for other development actions.

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding

    We strive to provide a safe and healthy living environment in which children can participate and develop into healthy and productive citizens. Child protection and advocacy are central to all of our program interventions. Community-based child protection mechanisms/structures are examined and capacitated on a regular basis in order to advocate for children's safety, dignity, and involvement in the best interests of children. Every employee and co-worker at Tesfa Berhan CFDO is obliged to sign and follow the organization's Code of Conduct.

  • Good Governance

    In our project regions, we promote civic education to improve democratic power transfer, social accountability, conflict resolution, and peaceful coexistence among citizens. To achieve effective governance, we strengthen and mobilise local knowledge and community structures.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction

    Among our activities to reduce the occurrence of hazards and increase the coping capacity of vulnerable groups are environmental protection and community capacity development. Another aspect to mention is the humanitarian response and rehabilitation we provide for people who are in need.

    As of Jan 2023, we are running 10 active projects to reach out a total of 291,499 project participants; of which 135,027 children, 31778 youth, 8858 women, 14091 people with disabilities and 105,360 other community members. Nearly half a billion ETB is mobilized and secured to reach those participants through Health, Education, Livelihood, child protection, peace building, humanitarian response and rehabilitation.