Where We Work

Where We Work

  • We are Found in

    The Amhara Regions of Debre Berhan & Woldia City Adminstration and North Shewa, North, and South Wollo zones are where Tesfa Berhan is currently operating its business. Debre Berhan, 130 km from Ethiopia's capital Addis Abeba, is where the organization's main Office is located. It has also four field offices located in Shewarobit, Dessie, Lalibela and Woldia. Tesfa Berhan CFDO intends to extend its reach to Tigray and Afar regions in its five-year strategic plan (2022–2027). It also intends to create a Liaison office in Addis Abeba in order to expand its accessibility, networking, and partnership with national and international organizations/communities.