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  • News 1

    Annual Staff Meeting Conducted

    On July 8, 2023, annual staff meeting held in Woldia Field Office. 37 employees, including 13 women, from the Woldia, Dessie, and Lalibela Field Offices participated in and became familiar with the organization's strategic priorities and other working procedures. Project performance reviewed, challenges discussed, and recommendations forwarded for the projects named: Rebuilding Economies of Women in Conflict Affected Areas of North Wollo; Play Matters- Emergency Response Mechanism, and Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergency. Ato Terefe Sisay, the Executive Director of Tesfa Berhan, gave crucial comments throughout the day to highlight the good work already being done, fill in any gaps, and provide the project participants with high-quality services.

  • News 2

    Management Committee Members Monitored and supported Projects at North and South Wollo Zones

    Members of the management committee observed project performance between July 9 and July 23, 2023. The project sites in the Woldia, Dessie, and Lalibela Field Offices have been visited by the team. Cash voucher support, food and non-food item supports, saving groups (VSLA), child protection issues at schools, classroom renovation, school feeding, WASH activities, and entrepreneurial skills of women in conflict-affected areas of North Wollo were therefore visited and technically supported to boost the changes being displayed and speed up the implementation to address the intended targets with all its quality.

  • News 3

    Improved seed and chemical fertilizer distributed to conflict affected farmers

    300 farmers who have been affected by conflict in Efratana Gedem Woreda have been supported with improved seed and chemical fertilizer on July 16-18, 2023. 7500 Kg of improved seed, 15000 Kg of UREA and NPSB chemical fertilizer in total have been distributed in Mehalwenz, Yeserdo, Meskelber, Lulge, Aglamajete, Ankarkobokob and Gotemgojo kebeles of Efratana Gedem Woreda. The support as a result helped the farmers to sow their crops and so that they will support their family.